Mission Statement

SHEF provides the resources and funding to assist
students and staff of the South Huntington School
District to realize their fullest potential and achieve

The goal of SHEF is to work with the entire
community, with emphasis on the parents, students
and local businesses to assist with the funding of
projects and programs that support and enhance
the district’s STREAM initiatives in science,
technology, research, engineering, arts and
mathematics. This will provide the innovative tools
students need to be college and career ready,
creating the leaders of tomorrow.

SHEF Board Members

Sheila Buhse
Sheila Buhse
Heidi Lantier
Vice Chairwoman
Heidi Lantier
Vice Chairwoman
Andrea Vasquez-Madrid
Andrea Vasquez-Madrid
Regina Caliendo
Regina Caliendo
Dr. John Murphy
Walt Whitman Principal
Dr. John Murphy
Walt Whitman Principal
Fred Scragg
Board of Education, Board Member
Fred Scragg
Board of Education, Board Member
Dr. Annie Michaelian
Oakwood Principal
Dr. Annie Michaelian
Oakwood Principal
Bob Cangero
Bob Cangero
Eliot Lonardo
Eliot Lonardo
Margie Shepherd
Margie Shepherd
Charles Ciravolo
Charles Ciravolo
Andrea Lopez
Andrea Lopez
Renee Schumm
Birchwood Assistant Principal, Birchwood Liaison & Trustee
Renee Schumm
Birchwood Assistant Principal, Birchwood Liaison & Trustee
Elena Tonna
Whitman Liaison & Trustee
Elena Tonna
Whitman Liaison & Trustee
Isabelle Bifulco
Silas Wood Liaison
Isabelle Bifulco
Silas Wood Liaison
Keith Gunsel
Stimson Middle School Liaison & Trustee
Keith Gunsel
Stimson Middle School Liaison & Trustee
Daphne Patillo
Birchwood Liaison
Daphne Patillo
Birchwood Liaison
Dr. Susan Turner Radin
Walt Whitman Liaison
Dr. Susan Turner Radin
Walt Whitman Liaison

Latest Causes

SHEF Board members

We can't thank them enough!

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John Smith

Co-Founder of Webflow

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Ema Ray

Co-Founder of Webflow

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Tom Smith

Co-Founder of Webflow

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Erick POrtman

Co-Founder of Webflow

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Enma newman

Co-Founder of Webflow

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Eduard Donoy

Co-Founder of Webflow

What They Say?


I’m very grateful for the organizers and the administration that oversees the Miles for Michael race at the SHUFSD to add the Challenged Athlete Division this year! It sends out such a powerful message of inclusion, participation and acceptance to members of our community. Special thanks to Dr. David Bennardo and Ms. Sheila Buhse for considering my request and making it happen!

Community Member and First-time Miles for Michael Participant

Thanks to a generous donation from SHEF, a new Coding Club has started at Walt Whitman High School. I’m excited to get more people involved and to have fun with computer science.

Walt Whitman HS Student and Coding Club President

As an alumni and now a SHUFSD parent, I attended the SHEF Gala, which was a great way to celebrate our wonderful school community. Thank You to SHEF for all that you do to support the high quality education of our South Huntington students! While there, I entered raffles and won a certificate for my son to attend a Wildcat Camp of his choice over the summer. In the words of my son, "Thank You SHEF! Wildcat camp was really fun and we even got to play mini golf!

SHUFSD Alumni, Parent and SHEF Gala Attendee